Do You Still Need Insurance For A Car That Doesn’t Run?

Do You Still Need Insurance For A Car That Doesn't Run?

You might wonder if you still need insurance if your car is broken down and not being driven. It may not seem necessary to cover a vehicle that isn’t working, but there are essential things to consider. This piece talks about why you might want to get insurance for a car that isn’t running, the different choices you have, and things you should think about before making a choice.


Reasons To Consider Insurance For A Non-running Car

Legal Requirements

Every listed car in many states is required by law to have insurance even if the vehicle isn’t running. Because of state rules you may need to keep your car insured even if it is not running. If you don’t you could get fines, fees or even have your car registration taken away. Because of this it is essential to ensure you’re following your state insurance rules.


Protection Against Theft And Vandalism

Theft and damage can still happen to cars that aren’t working. You would have to pay for any damage or loss out of your pocket if you didn’t have insurance. Comprehensive insurance can cover these risks which can help you fix or replace your car if it is stolen or damaged. This coverage can be essential if your old broken down car is emotionally valuable or important to you.


Liability Coverage

Your liability insurance will secure you if your broken down car hurts someone or damages their property. For instance liability insurance can help pay for fixes if your stopped car rolls down a hill and hits another vehicle. Without this security you could be held directly responsible for these costs which can be very high.


Future Use

Keeping protection on a car that isn’t being used can make it easier to use again. If your vehicle is already covered you might not have to get a new policy when you’re ready to drive it again. Instead you could update the insurance. This can save you time and trouble when you’re ready to drive your car again.


Options For Insuring A Non Running Car

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage protects non running cars in many different ways. It protects against damage from natural events like fire, flood , weather , theft and crime. This type of insurance is perfect for expensive cars that aren’t being driven right now but still need full coverage.

When people choose complete coverage they can rest easy knowing that their stopped non running car is protected against several risks even when unused.


Storage Insurance

Storage insurance is made to protect cars that aren’t being used but still need to be safe. It usually covers damage and theft while the vehicle is parked like in a garage or storage unit. Storage insurance is often less expensive than complete coverage which makes it a good choice for people who want to save money on their insurance while still getting essential coverage for their car that isn’t running. People with storage insurance can ensure their vehicle is safe from common dangers even when not on the road.


Liability Only Coverage

Liability only coverage protects other people from damage caused by a car that isn’t working. It doesn’t pay for damage to the car itself but it ensures that drivers have the right amount of insurance coverage.

This kind of insurance is usually less expensive than comprehensive coverage. It is suitable for people who want basic security for their non-running car without paying more for thorough coverage. Owners can meet their legal responsibilities and keep their insurance costs low by choosing liability only coverage.


Considerations Before Insuring A Non-running Car

Price vs Value: It’s essential to compare the price of insurance to the value of a non-running car before buying insurance. If the insurance costs more than the car is worth, covering it might not be a good idea. In this case, choosing basic coverage or storage insurance might be cheaper. Consider the car’s age, health, and market value when making this choice.

Damage or Theft Risk: Based on where it is stored and how it looks, determine how likely the non-running car will be destroyed or stolen. If you park your vehicle in a safe, low-risk area, consider getting minimal coverage or storage insurance if something goes wrong. However, if the place where the items are stored is more dangerous, complete coverage might be better.

Legal Requirements: Check your state’s rules to see if non-operational cars need insurance. In some places, vehicles that aren’t being driven may still need insurance. Ensure you follow these rules to avoid trouble with the law and possible fines.

Impact on Other Policies: Adding a car that doesn’t work to your insurance may change your total rate. Consider how adding the vehicle might affect your other policies and decide if the benefits exceed the price rise. You should review your policy terms and talk to your insurance company to figure out what this means.

Storage Conditions: Look at where and how the car that isn’t working is kept. You might consider protecting it from damage if you store it somewhere prone to natural disasters, theft, or other dangers. How your things are stored can significantly affect the chance of damage or theft, changing how much insurance you need.

Insurance Options: Look into the different types of insurance for cars that aren’t being driven, such as storage, liability-only, or complete coverage. You should pick the policy that fits your needs and gives your non-running car enough security. When choosing an insurance plan, consider the car’s worth, where it will be stored, and any risks that might be involved.

Consultation: If you’re not sure if you should insure your non-running car, you might want to talk to an insurance expert. They can give you advice tailored to your case and help you make an intelligent choice. An advisor can also tell you about the different types of coverage and help you choose the best one for your needs.



Some people might not see the point in insuring a car that doesn’t run, but there are good reasons to keep the insurance on it. Insurance can benefit your non-running vehicle for legal reasons and protect you against theft and damage. Carefully think about your choices and pick the best insurance that fits your wants and situation.