Condominium Insurance 101: What It Is? What Does It Cover?

Condominium Insurance 101: What It Is? What Does It Cover?

Condo insurance, sometimes called HO-6 insurance, is unique for condo owners. Homeowner insurance usually covers the building of a house, but condominium insurance only covers the inside of a condo unit. It covers your items, the furnishings and tools in the room, and the rent. Condo owners must know what their insurance covers to ensure their property safety.


What Is Condominium Insurance?

Condominium insurance, sometimes called HO-6 insurance, is a type of coverage for condo owners. Homeowners insurance protects the building of a house, but condominium insurance only covers the inside of a condo unit. This includes furniture, tools, and personal items.

Liability coverage is part of condominium insurance. It covers condo owners in case someone gets hurt on their land. It also covers extra living costs if the condo becomes unlivable because of a covered loss. It might also cover loss assessment to avoid being charged for losses in the condo complex’s shared areas.


Coverage For The Condo Unit:

Condo insurance covers the inner of your condo unit, including the furniture, tools, and personal items you keep there. This coverage is essential because it protects your apartment investment and gives you peace of mind in case of damage or loss. It often includes damage from fire, smoke, theft, crime, and some kinds of water damage.

Say there is a fire in your condo, and your things get damaged. Your condo insurance coverage would cover the cost of getting new things. Carefully reading your policy is essential to know precisely what it covers and doesn’t.

Condo insurance covers more than just your personal property. It also covers any changes or improvements you’ve made to your unit. For example, if your insurance covers the cost of fixing or replacing new cabinets or floors that get broken, you likely put them in.


Liability Coverage:

Liability insurance is part of condominium insurance. It covers you in case someone gets hurt on your property. If someone sues you for carelessness, this insurance can help pay your hospital bills and lawyer fees. If a guest slips or falls in your condo and gets hurt, your liability insurance would help pay their medical bills.

It may also cover you if you accidentally hurt someone else’s property. For instance, if you leave a light burning by accident and it starts a fire that damages your neighbor’s unit, your liability insurance will help pay to fix the damage. Liability coverage is essential to condo insurance because it helps protect your finances in case someone sues you.


Additional Living Expenses Coverage:

Your condo may not be livable following a hidden loss, such as a fire or natural disaster. Extra living expenses coverage can assist pay for temporary housing and other costs while your condo is fixed. This policy can save your life during a stressful time by ensuring you have a place to stay and can continue living while your condo is fixed.

If a fire damages your condo and you need to stay in a hotel while the damage is being fixed, your extra living expenses coverage would help pay for your hotel room and any other costs you have, like food and transportation.


Loss Assessment Coverage:

Another important part of apartment insurance is loss assessment coverage. This insurance helps protect you if you are charged a share of a loss in the condo complex’s shared spaces. For example, if hail breaks your apartment complex’s roof and the association chooses to charge all unit owners for the cost of fixing it, your loss assessment coverage would help pay for your share of the fee.

If you didn’t have this coverage, you would have to pay for this cost, and based on the size of the estimate, it could be quite a bit. Loss assessment coverage is an essential part of condo insurance because it protects you from cost surprises due to damage to the shared areas of your condo complex.


Exclusions And Limitations:

It is essential to know what your apartment insurance policy does and doesn’t cover. Floods, hurricanes, and normal wear and tear are common risks that aren’t covered by normal apartment insurance, so you’ll need to get separate coverage. Carefully reading your policy is essential to know what it covers and doesn’t.

Sometimes, certain types of coverage, like security for personal items, are limited. In this case, the coverage for certain things, like jewelry or gadgets, might be limited. Knowing these limits and exceptions lets you ensure you have the coverage you require to safeguard your condo investment.


How To Purchase Condominium Insurance:

  • Check Your Coverage Needs: Figure out what kind of coverage you need based on where your apartment is, how big it is, and how much your things are worth.
  • Research Insurance Providers: Look for condo insurance companies with a good name for customer service and handling cases.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Get quotes from various insurance firms to compare prices and policy choices.
  • Understand the Coverage: Read over the policy’s terms, such as the boundaries of coverage, any exemptions or limitations, and any fees.
  • Work with an Agent: You should work with an insurance agent specializing in condo insurance. They can help you understand your options and choose the best coverage for your needs.
  • Review the Master Policy: Learn about the coverage that comes with the master insurance policy for the apartment group. This can affect the coverage that you need for your unit.
  • Purchase the Policy: After choosing insurance, you must fill out the paperwork and pay to start your coverage.
  • Review Every Year: You should review your condo insurance policy once a year to ensure it meets your needs and adequately covers your condo and items.



Condominium insurance is an essential part of owning a condo. By knowing what it covers and how it can help you, you can ensure the security you need to protect your investment and give you peace of mind.